
Scientists @ HBL

EDDC brings outreach efforts to local students during COVID-19 lockdown
A compilation of in-house experts who volunteered their time to teach about their respective fields. Note that this compilation is not exhaustive.
During the COVID-19 lockdown in Singapore, EDDC worked with local academia institutions to run a short outreach programme called Scientists @ Home-Based Learning (Scientists @ HBL). With the aim of inspiring and educating secondary to tertiary students about drug discovery and development, experts at EDDC volunteered to conduct a simple lesson on their respective fields and held causal chat sessions to address any questions they had.
Though short-lived, this programme was greatly popular with students and their educators alike with multiple requests for additional sessions on different topics. In total, these sessions have reached:
  • 43 University students
  • 110 Junior College students
  • 131 Polytechnic students
  • 111 Secondary school students

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